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APOCAPS CX apoptogen formula 癌破錠 狗狗專用抗癌及預防腫瘤保健品





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APOCAPS CX apoptogen formula 癌破錠 狗狗專用抗癌及預防腫瘤保健品 簡介: APOCAPS CX癌破錠 是國際知名獸醫Dr.Demian Dressler於長期幫助犬隻治療癌症而研發的產品。Apocaps是世界上第一款以使用純100%人食用等級的天然活性成分,專利配方可以重啟犬隻體內細胞凋亡機制,從而壓抑癌細胞擴散,幫身體建立新和康的細胞。 經臨床驗證,近半癌犬腫瘤產生正面變化,包括腫瘤萎縮,停止生長甚至完全消失,而配合化療和電療的效果更加顯著,而78%癌犬在試驗開始後改善了不適的症狀,而活動力,活力,搖尾和玩耍的願意增加及大幅增加生存時間 Apocaps特點: 1.促進壞細胞凋亡的唯一產品 2.日常食物內中較難吸取那麼高濟量的營養 3.所有都是100%人用級食用成份 4.知名犬隻癌症獸醫研發 5.品質和成份是經過最嚴格的篩選 6.集多種成份於一產品 7.美國FDA認可的實驗室內製造和封裝。 最後Apocaps擁有特殊的專利Biovadex技術,此技術能有效地傳遞凋亡因子到心,肝,腎和免疫系統等器官。Apocaps亦能配合傳統治療癌症方法結合使用,愛護犬隻的你可以放心使用。 常見問題: Q:Apocaps適合所有癌犬? A:因為癌症會令到犬隻身體內的細胞凋亡機能破壞,而Apocaps的功用是重啟此功能和幫助犬隻提升生活品質的營養保健食品。我們目前的研究顯示Apocaps對犬隻常見的癌症有正面和良好的反應,並促進正常的生活品質。 Q:使用Apocpas多久才有效? A:使用Apocaps的犬隻大多生活質量顯注上升如更多活力,搖尾和玩耍的願意情度會顯注增加。通常犬只會於三到四星期後生活指數有大福上升,但有些犬只於星期內便有效果。 Q:如何給予Apocaps給犬隻? A:空肚服用Apocaps是最有效和最容易吸收的。給予Apocaps時可以配少量的食物(最好少於1.2湯匙),因為進食全餐會減少Apocaps的吸收。我們建議至少在吃飯前一小時或吃飯後一小時給予Apocaps。 Q:Apocaps會有副作用? A:使用本產品的副作用極為罕見,少於4%的犬隻體驗到一點鬆散的排便。到目前統計,Apocaps已超過200萬的濟量使用,但若這情況發生於犬隻,請降低標示一半的服用量,讓犬隻慢慢適應。 Q:Apocaps能配合化療和電療麼? A:可以,於2010年起已有多個案例顯示Apocaps配合化療和電療會有更佳的效果,但請聯絡獸醫給予更詳盡總代理的建議。 Q:現犬隻有服用含有抗氧化的保健品,能服用麼? A:可以,但抗氧化劑可能干擾Apocaps的作用,應分開至少三個小時服用。有證據顯示最理常給予Apocaps的時間在早上(10-11 AM)和/或晚上(10-11 PM)。 為減免腸胃不適,請給予1-2湯匙食物一起服用 建議使用方法: 依照狗狗體重服用 5-10 lbs:服1粒,每日2次 10-20lbs: 服2粒,每日2次 20-40lbs:早上服3粒,晚上服2粒 40-60lbs:服3粒,每日2次 60lbs 以上:服3粒,每日3次 價格: $518 90粒 買2件每件$498 產地: 美國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) DESCRIPTION Apocaps CX Apoptogen Formula for dogs contains a blend of apoptogens and other healthful ingredients. It is the same aptogen formula supplement designed and used by Dr. Demian Dressler, DVM, author of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. Apocaps for dogs has been shown to support the normal turn over of deranged cells to help build new, healthy cells. This in turn supports good life quality in dogs. ApoCaps CX Apoptogen Formula are made for dogs receiving regular veterinary care. Key Benefits Supports good life quality in dogs Contains a blend of apoptogens Supports the normal turn over of deranged cells INGREDIENTS Active Ingredients per capsule: Proprietary Blend [Ascorbyl palmitate(Vitamin C), Lecithin powder, Rutin (from Dimorphandra mollis), Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) hull (98% Luteolin), L-Glutamine, Apigenin, Taurine, Zinc oxide (80.6% Zinc), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root extract (5% gingerols), Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed extract (80% silymarin), Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root extract (95% curcuminoids), Beta-glucans (from Argrobacterium biovar 1), Magnesium oxide (60% Magnesium)] 392.85 mg. Inactive Ingredients per capsule: Gelatin, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose and silica. USEFUL INFORMATION Directions for Use: 5 - 10 lbs: 1 capsule two times daily 10.1 - 20 lbs: 2 capsules two times daily 20.1 - 40 lbs: 3 capsules in the AM and 2 capsules in the PM 40.1 - 60 lbs 3 capsules two times daily 60.1 lbs and over: 3 capsules three times daily Administer orally with 1 - 2 tablespoons of food to reduce incidence of gastrointestinal upset. Warnings: For use in dogs only. Do not use in other animal species or people. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact health professional immediately. Cautions: Use with a small amount of food to reduce incidence of gastrointestinal upset. Do not use in dogs with allergic reactions to ingredients n Apocaps™. Do not use in dogs experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, or are not eating. Dogs less than 5 pounds should not use this size Apocaps™ capsules. Safety has not been established for dogs with kidney or liver disease. Safety has not been established for use in pregnant, nursing or breeding dogs. Safety has not been established for diabetic dogs or in dogs less than 6 months of age.
