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Aromacalm Cat/Dog 貓狗用情緒安定頸圈





已售出: 164


售價: ●貓用$178/盒 (一條頸圈效力達4週) ●狗用$178/盒 (一條頸圈效力達4週) 多買多平: 買2件每件$160 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 法國直送


Aromacalm 是研究用於護理狗和貓皮膚的項圈。Aromacalm基於植物療法和芳香療法的好處,具有雙重作用,可以為動物帶來寧靜和安寧,同時為皮膚提供舒緩效果。這款項圈不含任何鄰苯二甲酸鹽,專為因壓力引起的皮膚問題而設計的狗和貓。
用於貓的 Aromacalm項圈配備了安全快速釋放系統,可實現項圈的加寬加長,如果想要施加較大的牽引力,則可以縮短。

Aromacalm含有薰衣草和艾草精油以及富含必需脂肪酸(歐米茄 3 和 6)的大麻油的協同作用。

100% 天然成分的混合物,結合在不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽的有效專利聚合物基質中,通過從基質逐漸遷移到衣領表面而協同工作。必需脂肪酸在皮膚的水脂膜上擴散。在至少一個月的時間裡,成分的釋放和擴散是連續不斷的。由獸醫進行的一項臨床研究證實,經過一個月的治療,Aromacalm項圈對狗和貓導致行為問題的皮膚病的臨床改善效果顯著。.
D0 和 D28 之間的變化百分比



使用說明 - 將項圈固定在狗或貓的脖子上,然後進行調整以適合併剪掉多餘的長度。每次洗完澡前再將其取下。每4週更新一次。


Dermo-collar to soothe the skin and calm the animal
Aromacalm® is the 1st collar that has been developed to take care of the skin of dogs and cats. Aromacalm® is based on the benefits of phytotherapy and aromatherapy, and possesses a double action, allowing to bring tranquillity and serenity to the animal, while providing a soothing effect on the skin. This collar does not contain any phthalate, and it has been specifically created for dogs and cats whith cutaneous problems related to stress.

The Aromacalm® collar for cats is equipped with a safety quick-release system, enabling the necessary widening of the collar, and subsequently breaking, in case significant traction is applied.

Fix the collar around the neck of the dog or cat, and then adjust it to fit and cut off excess length. Take it off again before every bath. Renew the collar every 4 weeks.

Aromacalm® contains a synergy of essential oils of lavender and wormwood, and hemp oil, which is rich in essential fatty acids (Omega 3 & 6).

The mix of 100% natural ingredients, incorporated in an effective patented polymeric matrix without phthalate, works in synergy by progressively migrating, from the matrix down to the surface of the collar. The essential fatty acids diffuse on the hydrolipid film of the skin. The release and diffusion of ingredients are continuous and constant during a period of at least one month. A clinical study, carried out by veterinarians, has established the efficacy of the Aromacalm® collar on the clinical improvement of dermatoses in dogs and cats leading to behavioural problems, after one month of treatment. .

Percentage of change between D0 and D28


Overall condition of the skin and coat: +61% 
Overall condition of the skin and coat: +61%
Loss of hair: -49% 
Loss of hair: -51%
Itchiness: -45% 
Itchiness: -42%

A second clinical study, carried out by two veterinarians-behaviorists over a period of one month, has established the efficacy of the product on stress and anxiety management.
