Blackmores PAW Osteosupport Joint Care Powder For Cats 貓用關節補充膠囊 60粒裝





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Blackmores PAW Osteosupport Joint Care Powder For Cats 貓用關節補充膠囊 60粒裝 價格: $238/樽 (500mg x60粒) 買3樽每樽$218 @限時優惠減價至$208(買3件每件$190) 產地: 澳洲 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: 獸醫推介,澳洲寵物自然保健第一品牌,專利天然綠唇青口素Perna 128,使用較低溫度技術集中提練製造,能有較舒緩關節炎症,3周改善行動力。 高濃度 Omega 3 (EPA,DHA &ETA)能有較緩解狗隻的節疼痛。 當中亦包括軟骨素及粘多醣,葡萄糖胺等保養有關節成份。 這些都是關節保健及舒緩關節炎的營養素。關節炎的症狀可包括跛行,僵硬,疼痛和不願運行。 根據廠方資料,調查超過111狗和貓,當中超過8成的主人認為寵物的行動力獲得改善。另外緩解發炎方面效果更勝葡萄糖胺。 建議使用方法: 每日一粒,可打開膠囊把青口素粉末撒在貓糧裡 注意事項 欲將本產品給予懷孕或泌乳中的寵物請謹慎使用 對海鮮類食物會過敏的寵物請謹慎使用。 Paw Osteosupport Joint Care Powder For Cats Capsules Provides Joint Pain Relief And Reduces Inflammation Natural green lipped mussel powder (Perna128) manufactured using lower temperatures for a highly concentrated product With high levels of Omega 3 (EPA, DHA & ETA) for fast, effective joint pain relief for cats Includes a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin 6 Sulfate) that are key nutrients required for cartilage production to aid joint care Measured capsule dose that is easy to open and sprinkle on food, for even the fussiest of cats. A light green powder in a clear two-peice capsule Cats get arthritis too As cats get older they simply seem to slow down with age, however research suggests that many cats suffer from Osteoarthritis Perna128®, the highly concentrated green lipped mussel powder in PAW Osteosupport for cats, is a freshly harvested green lipped mussel, that is manufactured at lower temperatures following a one step propriety process for a higher yield of nutrients to provide: Advanced Arthritis Care Fast acting, effective joint pain relief for dogs: In a recent trial of over 111 dogs and cats, 80% of pet owners saw improved mobility in less than 3 weeks, stating their pets were happier and enjoying a better quality of life Highly palatable & easy to administer: 98% of owners said Osteosupport is highly palatable and is easy to give to their cat, either as treat or sprinkled in their food Effective at reducing inflammation Up to 6 times more effective than glucosamine at reducing inflammation A highly concentrated green lipped mussel powder that is clinically proven to provide fast effective arthritis relief for cats Provided in a measured capsule that can be opened and sprinkled onto food Contraindications This product should not be used in animals with allergies to seafood Dosage: To provide joint care for your cat, feed 1 capsule daily Provide as a capsule or for easy administration, open capsule and sprinkle palatable content over the food Monitor to ensure your cat consumes all the food Note Do not use in animals with allergies to seafood Use with caution in pregnant or lactating animals Not an alternative treatment in acute joint inflammation Ingredients: Contains 500mg/capsule Green Lipped Mussel Powder (Perna canaliculus)



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