Blackmores PAW Osteosupport Joint Care Powder For Dogs狗用關節補充膠囊 150粒裝

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Blackmores PAW Osteosupport Joint Care Powder For Dogs狗用關節補充膠囊 150粒裝 價格: $398/樽 (500mg x150粒) 買2樽每樽$380 產地: 澳洲 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: 獸醫推介,澳洲寵物自然保健第一品牌,專利天然綠唇青口素Perna 128,使用較低溫度技術集中提練製造,能有較舒緩關節炎症,3周改善行動力。 高濃度 Omega 3 (EPA,DHA &ETA)能有較緩解狗隻的節疼痛。 當中亦包括軟骨素及粘多醣,葡萄糖胺等保養有關節成份。 根據廠方資料,調查超過111狗和貓,當中超過8成的主人認為寵物的行動力獲得改善。另外緩解發炎方面效果更勝葡萄糖胺。 建議使用方法: 25公斤以下,每天給予1粒膠囊 超過25公斤,每天給予2粒膠囊 注意事項 欲將本產品給予懷孕或泌乳中的寵物請謹慎使用 對海鮮類食物會過敏的寵物請謹慎使用 PAW Blackmores Osteosupport PAW Blackmore’s Osteosupport The PAW by Blackmore’s range includes innovative natural products that have been researched and developed by veterinarians and which are clinically proven to support the health of pets. Their range of products covers all the key areas of concerns for pets and pet parents, from joint and skin health, to digestive and ear care. Natural green lipped mussel powder (Perna128®) manufactured using lower temperatures for a highly concentrated product; With high levels of Omega 3 (EPA, DHA & ETA) for joint pain relief for dogs. Includes a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin 6 Sulfate) that are key nutrients required for cartilage production to aid joint care. Measured capsule dose that’s easy to give to your pet. Low cost daily dose starting from only 50 cents for small dogs. Why use For dogs displaying the clinical signs of arthritis: e.g. lameness, reluctance to rise, reduced mobility. For dogs that are ‘slowing down’ with age. As an adjunct with pharmaceutical pain relief for dogs. eg. NSAIDs. The Blackmores difference Advanced Arthritis Care - Joint pain relief for dogs: In a recent trial of over 111 dogs and cats, 80% of pet owners saw improved mobility in less than 3 weeks, stating their pets were happier and enjoying a better quality of life. Highly palatable & easy to administer: 98% of owners said Osteosupport is highly palatable and is easy to give to their pet, either as a treat or sprinkled in their food. Effective at reducing inflammation: Up to 6 times more effective than glucosamine at reducing inflammation.

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