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Dr Mercola / Bark & Whiskers Krill Oil 磷蝦油





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Dr Mercola / Bark & Whiskers Krill Oil 磷蝦油 價格: $235 1.45 FL.OZ.(43ml) 買3支每支$220 產地: 美國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: 如果寵物是只食用商業糧食,很有可能存在脂肪酸缺乏或不平衡的問題。 寵物缺乏 omega-3 的外在跡像很容易被發現,如發癢、皮膚乾燥或油膩的頭髮或皮毛。但這些脂肪酸對寵物的免疫系統也至關重要。 由於使用廉價的穀類動物飼料,商業飲食中的 omega-6 脂肪往往很重,這可以抵消寵物的 omega-3 微妙平衡。 Omega-3 脂肪酸對熱很敏感,因此您通常不會在粗磨食物或罐頭食品中找到它們。即使寵物食品製造商添加了它們,他們也往往不會為您的寵物使用正確的食物。 而最受歡迎的貓狗 omega-3 來源是海洋油。磷蝦油富含 omega-3 脂肪酸,尤其是對您的寵物很重要的 DHA 和 EPA。 出於多種原因, 我們的貓狗磷蝦油與其他 omega-3 補充劑不同。與魚油相比,磷蝦: • 具有非常高的吸收率,因此您的寵物需要更小的劑量。 • 含有更多 EPA——比魚油多約 33%。 • 將其豐富的 EPA 和 DHA 作為磷脂直接輸送到您寵物的細胞中。 • 提供天然抗氧化保護,幫助防止氧化。 • 是一種蓬勃發展的可持續產品,您可以使用它感覺良好。 事實上,為我們的貓狗磷蝦油供應磷蝦的漁業在可持續性和管理戰略方面獲得了“A”評級——這是 24 個漁業中唯一一個獲得最高分的漁業! 我們的漁業使用正在申請專利的技術,有助於避免不必要的副漁獲物,並且磷蝦在加工前保持活力,以保持新鮮度和營養。您甚至可以使用每個瓶子上的坐標將貓狗磷蝦油追溯到其可持續的收穫地點。 使用我們的貓狗磷蝦油,不會出現亂七八糟的油性膠囊。這種先進的輸送系統裝在一個無氣泵中,可鎖住新鮮度並防止空氣和污染物進入。油會保持新鮮,直到您用完最後一滴。 此外,我們的配方現在更加濃縮,因此您可以在每個泵中獲得更高濃度的磷蝦油,從而減少使用量。 使用我們的貓狗磷蝦油支持您寵物的整體健康,並立即訂購。 建議使用方法: 每天一次 體重 包裝氣泵次數 貓(2 磅以上) 1次(100mg) 14lbs以下狗狗 1次 (100mg) 15-29lbs以下狗狗 2次 (200mg) 30-49lbs以下狗狗 4次 (400mg) 50-79lbs以下狗狗 6次 (600mg) 80lbs以上狗狗 8次 (800mg) If you feed your dog or cat a commercially processed diet, there’s a good chance she may have a fatty acid deficiency or imbalance. The outer signs of an omega-3 deficiency in your pet are easy to spot – like itchy, dry skin or a greasy hair or coat. But these fatty acids are crucial for your pet’s immune system, too. Commercial diets tend to be heavy in omega-6 fats because of the use of cheap cereal grain animal feeds, which can offset your pet’s delicate balance of omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids are heat-sensitive, so you don’t typically find them in kibble or canned food. Even if pet food manufacturers add them, they tend to not use the right ones for your pet. My favorite source of omega-3s for dogs and cats is marine oils. Krill Oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially the important ones for your pet – DHA and EPA. Our Krill Oil for Cats & Dogs stands apart from other omega-3 supplements for several reasons. Compared to fish oil, krill: Has a very high absorption rate, so your pet requires a smaller dose. Contains more EPA – about 33% more than fish oil. Delivers its abundant EPA and DHA as phospholipids directly into your pet’s cells. Provides natural antioxidant protection to help guard against oxidation. Is a thriving, sustainable product you can feel good about using. In fact, the fishery that supplies the krill for our Krill Oil for Cats & Dogs was awarded an “A” rating for sustainability and management strategy – the only one among 24 fisheries to receive a top score! Our fishery uses patent pending technology that helps avoid unwanted by-catch, and the krill are kept alive until processing to maintain freshness and nutrients. You can even trace Krill Oil for Cats & Dogs back to its sustainable place of harvest using the coordinates on each bottle. There are no messy, oily capsules to cut open with our Krill Oil for Cats & Dogs. Packed in an airless pump, this advanced delivery system locks freshness in and keeps air and contaminants out. The oil stays fresh until you’ve used the last drop. Plus, our formula is now more concentrated, so you get a higher concentration of Krill Oil per pump, allowing you to use less. Support your pet's overall health with our Krill Oil for Cats & Dogs and order today.



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