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Dr Mercola / Bark & WhiskersVitamin B Complex 寵物維他命B雜


已售出: 512


價格: ●24g $145 最佳使用日期 Exp date : 26年4月 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 美國直送


Dr. Mercola的維他命B雜是一種可給生物利用的完整復合營養,提供理想比例的八種主要維生素B群,另外好處包括:
包含的不僅僅是八種熟悉的 B 族維生素 它包含多種 均衡且具有生物活性的 B 族維生素以及輔因子和輔酶
與常規分離的合成 B 族維生素相比,寵物的身體可能會更好地吸收

貓(2 磅以上) 1/2量匙(200mg)
14lbs以下狗狗 1/2量匙(200mg)
15-29lbs以下狗狗 1量匙(400mg)
30-49lbs以下狗狗 1.5量匙(600mg)
50-79lbs以下狗狗 2量匙(800mg)
80lbs以上狗狗 2.5量匙(1g)


B vitamins are important for your pet’s brain, nervous system and immune function, energy production, cell metabolism, organ and tissue health, muscle, coat, skin and eye health, and much more.

Low levels of B vitamins can affect your pet’s body in many different ways because of the vitamins’ far-reaching and interrelated effects.

Because B vitamins are water-soluble and not stored in your pet’s body, he or she must get the entire complex through diet each day. B vitamins can be easily destroyed by high temperatures during processing, light, oxygen, and long storage periods.

The words “complete and balanced” on your pet’s food label doesn’t provide a guarantee that the food actually contains enough of these essential heat- and light-sensitive vitamins to last the lifetime of the product. The nutrient profiles you see on food products are only minimum standards, and they don’t address the quality, the digestibility or the bioavailability of the nutrients, much less the optimal recommendations.

Feed-grade synthetic vitamins are typically used to “enrich” pet food. The majority of these feed-grade premixes come from China and from questionable sources.

Our Vitamin B Complex is a USDA Certified Organic complete complex that provides the ideal proportion of the eight major B vitamins:

Contains the patented PANMOL® vitamin B complex with concentrations of B vitamins a hundred-fold higher than what’s found in whole grains (but without the grain)
The B vitamins are organically bound to sprouts from Certified Organic quinoa seeds for enhanced bioavailability and potential benefits
Contains more than just the eight familiar B vitamins – It contains a multitude of well-balanced and biologically active B vitamins complete with co-factors and coenzymes
May be better absorbed in your pet’s body than regular isolated synthetic B vitamins
This is the first time B vitamins have been created through a patented process where they are organically bound to a natural complex! Order your supply of Organic Vitamin B Complex for Dogs and Cats today and provide your pet with the extra B vitamins he or she may need.
