Dr. Mercola/Bark & WhiskersDigestive Enzymes 寵物消化酵素



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Dr. Mercola/Bark & Whiskers Digestive Enzymes 寵物消化酵素 價格: $175 120g 消化酵素 產地: 美國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: 現今市面上的大部分寵物食品都缺乏健康的天然酵素,因為這些食品都經過過度加工,生產過程中使用極高溫度,使食物中的酵素因此被殺死。而酵素是激活食物營養及幫助消化的必需元素。而言隨著寵物老化,產生酵素的能力隨之下降,這會為你的貓貓狗狗帶來一定的健康影響。 Dr.Mercola 寵物消化酵素就使用了多種精選酵素包括: • 鹽酸甜菜鹼(BetaineHCl)——將蛋白質分解成縮氨酸及氨基酸,以及將脂肪分解成三酸甘油脂 • 牛膽汁精華——多年來安全用於人類及寵物酵素產品中,幫助肝臟製造膽汁,為膽汁不足的寵物補充膽汁。膽汁對消化脂肪十分重要。 • 菠蘿酵素——用於分解及消化蛋白質,十分安全有效 • 木瓜酵素——一種天然植物酵素,與菠蘿酵素共同作用消化蛋白質 • 胰酶——取自動物的胰酶,包含以下三種酵素: • 蛋白酶——有助蛋白質分解為氨基酸以用於消化 • 澱粉酶——用於分裂及分解澱粉及糖原(動物組織內的能量儲存分子)等長鏈碳水化合物以用於小腸消化 • 脂肪酶——幫助分解及消化脂肪 服用後有助於 *血液於動脈內健康流動 *維持正常免疫功能,促進健康免疫反應 *清潔體內組織,移除細胞殘骸 *刺激健康新細胞生長,促進正常細胞生長 *加速正常排毒過程 *移除未消化的蛋白質,清潔淋巴及血液 配合Dr. Mercola Complete Probiotics 益生菌使用,更能發揮全面性消化吸收成效。 https://wavecat.boutir.com/i/WyGbNEgAA 寵物營養師蘇青青筆錄推介3種寵物必須的保健品,其中兩樣益生菌及消化酵素👍 建議使用方法: 每日一次每次以下份量 貓貓 1/2量匙(400mg) 14lbs以下狗狗 1量匙(800mg) 15-29lbs以下狗狗 1+1/2量匙(1.2g) 30-49lbs以下狗狗 2+1/2量匙(2g) 50-79lbs以下狗狗 3量匙(2.4g) 80lbs以上狗狗 4量匙(3.2g) Does your pet eat mostly commercially processed food such as kibble or canned food? If so, there’s a good chance she isn’t receiving all the enzymes she may need. Even though your pet’s body can make some of the enzymes needed to digest food, it relies on the naturally occurring enzymes in food to aid in optimal digestion. When it comes to digestive enzyme supplements, it’s a mistake to think that “one size fits all” or that one digestive enzyme product works for every type of pet food. The amount of carbohydrate, or sugar, in your pet’s food determines what type of enzymes he needs. In other words, enzymes should match the diet. For highly processed diets like kibble that are high in starches and carbohydrates, including rice, ancient grains, potatoes or legumes, your pet needs a specialized digestive enzyme formula that can handle the heavy carb load. Digestive Enzymes for Cats & Dogs on Kibble Diets or Pets with Sensitive Stomachs contains nine human-grade enzymes from porcine pancreas as well as select fungal sources, plus Papain from papaya, Bromelain from pineapple and Betaine Hydrochloride for the optimal digestion of high-carbohydrate diets. Why sensitive stomachs? Pancreatin, a pancreatic enzyme typically found in formulas designed for meat-based diets, can boost stomach acid and potentially irritate sensitive stomachs when the diet contains lower levels of protein. Digestive Enzyme for Cats & Dogs formulated for pets with sensitive stomachs contains lower levels of pancreatic enzymes. Provide your pet with the right combination of enzymes to match his diet, and support his digestive function with Digestive Enzymes for Cats & Dogs on Kibble Diets or for Pets with Sensitive Stomachs.

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