Herbsmith Milk Thistle 全有機奶薊,是一種寵物謢肝排毒的中草藥,如果寵物患有肝病又或想替寵物長期排走身體毒素,奶薊草這名詞一定要認識和了解。
奶薊(Milk Thistle)又稱乳薊、水飛薊,是一種菊科植物,源於歐洲地區,由於其莖葉會流出乳白色的汁液因而得名,早在兩千年前奶薊就被當作保肝利膽的草藥來使用,因而有"肝臟守護神"的稱號經現代研究發現,奶薊中最具療效的成份就是水飛薊素(silymarin),水飛薊素具有高度的抗氧化及抗發炎特性 ,能穩定並修補受損的肝臟細胞,並保護肝臟免於毒素及自由基的傷害在歐洲,奶薊被當作處方藥來使用,能治療菇類中毒、各種急慢性肝炎、肝硬化等數十種疾病,是少數具有廣泛療效的藥草。
奶薊作為保護肝膽的天然植物藥,三個重要的物質:silychristine,silydianin和水飛薊賓。這三種混合物被稱為水飛薊素(Silymarin) 的黃酮類物質,能夠:
貓:1/8 茶匙
狗:15磅以下---1/8 茶匙
15-30磅---1/4 茶匙
30-80磅---1/2 茶匙
80-120磅---3/4 茶匙
120磅以上---1 茶匙
Herbsmith Milk Thistle supports healthy liver function. It’s great for a dog with allergies, digestive issues, or to combat the negative side effects of the harsher alternatives. The most active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin, which has great antioxidant properties.
Key Benefits
Supports healthy liver function
Great for dogs with allergies, digestive issues or harsh side effects of alternatives
Silymarin from milk thistle has great antioxidant properties
Great for dogs and cats of all sizes and ages
Easy-to-administer powder supplement
Nutritional Info
Ground Milk Thistle (Supports Healthy Liver Function).
Feeding Instructions
Pet Type Weight Dosage
DOG Less than 30 lbs 1/4 teaspoon twice a day
DOG 30 to 80 lbs 1/2 teaspoon twice a day
DOG 80 to 120 lbs 3/4 teaspoon twice a day
DOG More than 120 lbs 1 teaspoon twice a day
CAT - 1/8 teaspoon twice a day