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Innovet Urys Liquid & Caps 腎存 泌尿配方



Dijual: 355


Innovet Urys Liquid & Caps 腎存 泌尿配方 價格: Urys Liquid $238 60ml Urys Caps $218 30粒 意大利直送 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: Innovet意諾膚 腎存泌尿配方Urys Liquid & Caps ,配方特含國際專利「PGA-CUR」,意大利研發採用微米化技術達致10 micron微米分子,有利貓狗迅速吸收!針對紓緩下泌尿道及膀胱不適症狀。成分有效激活自生PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) ,並透過ALIA機制,減低肥大細胞 (Mast Cells) 活躍度,從而抑制炎症痛楚,紓緩排尿不暢,尿結石及預防尿道感染。  針對改善: 尿道炎  膀胱炎  排尿不暢  排尿疼痛  尿結石  血尿  尿頻  尿濁 使用方法: Urys Liquid 按照以下份量,每日一次。 寵物體重 每天份量 0-5 kg 1ml 6-7 kg 1.5ml 8-10kg 2ml 11-12 kg 2.5ml 13-15 kg 3ml 搖勻,將帶刻度的注射器插入底蓋上的孔中,將瓶子倒置並服用表中所示的每日用量。將注射器液體直接注入動物口中或與食物混合。 Urys Caps 寵物體重 每天份量 0-10 kg 1粒 11-20 kg 2粒 21-30 kg 3粒 >30 kg 4粒 膠囊可原粒直接餵飼或剪開混入乾濕糧亦可。 Palmitoylethanolamide or PEA is an aliamide capable of controlling the mast cell response, lowering its degranulation tone, and thus limiting the release of damaging (eg NO), neurosensitizing (eg NGF) and inflammatory (eg TNF) factors ). On isolated dog mast cells, PEA has been shown to be active in reducing the release of histamine, TNF-alpha and PGD2 (Prostaglandin D2). In an animal model of cystitis, PEA was found to be able to normalize the urination threshold. Ultimately, PEA regulates the reactivity of the vesicourethral mucosa. Glucosamine HCl (hydrochloride) is the natural precursor of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and has excellent absorption after oral administration. It stimulates the synthesis of GAGs, and, therefore, facilitates the repair of the holes created in the urothelium during LUTD. Hesperidin is a natural flavonoid with no side effects. Its active form (hesperetin) is concentrated in the urine, where it reduces the bacterial load and counteracts oxidative stress. How to use Administer 1 capsule per day for every 10 kg of body weight for cycles of 90 days. Format 30 capsules

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