Lintbells YuDIGEST PLUS 加強版止瀉益生粉菌



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Lintbells YuDIGEST PLUS 加強版止瀉益生粉菌 簡介: YuDIGEST PLUS犬樂寶加強版針對嚴重的消化系統挑戰。藉由能簡單使用的藥包,提供飼主一種高強度的生物活性益生箘與益箘生的複合配方,用以恢復消化系統的健康。 恢復腸道自然平衡 每包獨家配方,包含3種科學證實有效的益菌生及10億個益生菌(Enterococcus faecium E1707) ,用以支持益菌生長,阻絕害菌,確保消化系統健康平衡 抑制害菌、病毒、毒素 蒙脫石是一種特別的黏土,能夠吸附病毒和毒素並結合,使病毒和毒素通過寵物的消化系統而不造成影響。蒙脫石經過證實,其效果是高嶺土等常用黏土的20倍以上。 維持腸道屏障 出現消化系統問題時,腸道保護黏液內膜容易流失。蘇氨酸是一種必需胺基酸,可幫助腸道細胞製造保護黏液內層。 促進消化系統健康 亞麻籽粉是高纖木聚糖與抗氧化劑的天然來源,能夠促進消化系統健康。 強效益菌生配方 針對嚴重的腸胃不適與消化系統持續受到挑戰所研發,YuDIGEST PLUS提供獸醫強效益菌生與益生菌的複合配方,輔佐以針對支持腸胃的有效成份,進而幫助犬隻與貓咪盡可能在最短時間內恢復消化系統的健康。 每5公克包裝只具有精心挑選與通過驗證的有效成份,且無碳酸鈣之類的填充劑。這也代表能夠提供更多有效成份,以及更有效的成本花費。 每日建議用量 主要成分 亞麻籽粉 (40%) 低聚果糖 (20%) 酵母萃取物-甘露寡糖的來源 (20%) ß葡聚醣 (2.5%)。 YuDIGEST PLUS適合犬隻與貓咪使用。請照建議份量將產品灑在犬貓的主餐中,持續給予直到狀況改善,或依獸醫指示使用。您可將YuDIGEST PLUS與10至15毫升的溫開水混合成糊狀後,直接餵食寵物。產品加水後請儘速食用,切勿存放。 建議使用方法: 每日建議用量 小型犬及貓咪 (under 5Kg)每日半包 中型犬 (6-15Kg)每日1包 大型犬 (16-35Kg)每日2包 超大型犬 (Over35kg)每日3包 價格: $98 6包(5g) $618 60包(5g) 產地: 英國 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) YuDIGEST Plus provides a veterinary strength complex of gut-supporting natural ingredients, including a unique high strength BioActiv probiotic and prebiotic formula. If your dog has sensitive digestion, keep YuDIGEST PLUS close by. Gentle, natural and effective, it provides fast digestive support for dogs and cat to bind bacteria and toxins, top-up good bacteria and help to maintain a natural balance. Feeding Sprinkle the following amounts daily over your dog’s food for as long as considered necessary or advised by your veterinary surgeon. Small Breeds (up to 6kg) – ½ sachet Medium Breeds (6-15kg) – 1 sachet Large Breeds (16-35kg) – 2 sachets Very Large Breeds (over 35kg) – 3 sachets The powder can also be mixed with 10-15ml of warm tap water to form a paste which can be fed directly into the dog’s mouth. Ingredients 3 prebiotics and 1 billion probiotic Our unique blend of 3 different scientifically proven prebiotics and 1 billion probiotic bacteria per sachet support ‘good’ bacteria, and block ‘bad’ bacteria to 'ensure a healthy digestive balance. Montmorillonite A special kind of clay that binds toxins so they safely pass through your dog’s digestive system. It has been shown to be up to 20 times more effective than other commonly used clays such as Kaolin. Threonine An essential amino acid that helps the cells in the intestine to produce the protective gut lining that’s often lost. Linseed meal Provides a natural source of fibre rich in lignans and antioxidants to support healthy digestion.

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