Lintbells YuMove Dog 狗用關節寶



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Lintbells YuMove Dog 狗用關節寶 價格: YuMOVE犬用關節寶 $188 60粒 $318 120粒 $668 300粒 波子棋限時會員價 $288 120粒 $628 300粒 美國版300粒$528 英國及美國直送 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: YUMOVE 針對健康關節提供所有關鍵營養成分的單一產品,每日攝取可以幫助犬隻改善關節結構及活動力。 臨床實證:使用六星期後有效支持犬隻關節活動力 協助僵硬關節 支持關節結構 改善活動力 只有Lintbells產品才有獨家的VitaEase™ 綠唇貽貝,它是YuMOVE優骼服系列的關鍵成分之一,原料來自精選過的紐西蘭純淨海灣。 由於綠唇貽貝生長環境特殊,加上特殊加工方式,因此所使用VitaEase™ 綠唇貽貝活性成分強度至少是一般市面綠唇貽貝的4倍以上。 狗用關節寶 綠唇貽貝 150mg 玻尿酸 1.5mg 維生素E 0.5mg 錳 3mg 葡萄糖胺 250mg 建議使用方法: 餵食輕鬆容易,可直接餵食或將藥片混在狗狗食物中即可。 每日建議用量: 15KG以下 1粒 16-30KG 2粒 31-45KG 3粒 45KG以上 4粒 高齡或有僵硬問題的狗狗,使用初期4-6週,每日請給予1倍份量。 懷孕或哺乳的母犬請勿食用 YuMOVE Dog, now YuMOVE Adult Dog, is our original triple action dog joint formulation, recommended for older dogs that are beginning to show joint stiffness. YuMOVE provides a concentrated source of Omega 3s proven to soothe stiff joints and maintain joint comfort. It is a tasty tablet that you feed daily, available in 60, 120 tablets or 300 tablets. Helping over 1 million pets globally. Feeding Suitable for dogs of any age, breed or size, as soon as they have started solid food. The tasty tablet can be added to your pooch’s food or taken directly from your hand. You can choose to give the recommended amount in one go or spread them throughout the day. New to YuMOVE? We recommend that you double the daily amount for the first 4 weeks, to make sure your pooch begins to see the tail-wagging benefits as soon as possible. Ingredients Green Lipped Mussel ActivEase ® Green Lipped Mussel from the crystal-clear waters of New Zealand provide an incredibly concentrated source of Omega 3, which is proven to soothe stiff joints. Ours contains 4x more active Omega 3 than standard versions. Vitamins C and E Neutralise free radicals helping to maintain joint mobility. Glucosamine Provides the major building blocks of cartilage – the tough connective tissue that protects the joint. Manganese Supports collagen formation in the cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Hyaluronic Acid Helps to lubricate and cushion the joint. YuMOVE Adult is the only joint supplement range with Hyaluronic Acid proven to reach the joint within 2 hours. It helps support the synovial fluid, which lubricates your dog's joints

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