Natural Animal Solutions Organic Seaweed 有機海藻粉 (300g)



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Natural Animal Solutions Organic Seaweed 有機海藻粉 (300g) 簡介: NAS 有機海藻粉採摘自澳洲塔斯曼尼亞皇帝島的原始海域(手工採摘)。NAS 有機海藻粉含有維生素A,B1、B2、B3、B、C和E,礦物質和微量元素鐵、鉀、鎂、磷、鈣、硒、碘、銅、鈷、硫和硼。除了氨基酸外,還有複合碳水化合物和幾種必需的植物生長激素,使其成為理想的日常有機維生素和礦物質補充劑。 功效包括平衡甲狀腺的新陳代謝、改善皮膚色素、令皮毛順滑、提升腸胃消化功能及能增強腸道功能。 建議使用方法: 保健功效:貓咪 ~ 1/8茶匙 小型犬(20公斤以下)~ 1/8茶匙 中型犬(20 - 40公斤)~ 1/4茶匙 大型犬(40公斤以上)~ 1/2茶匙 早晚定時餵食會有更佳效果 價格: $138/罐 300g 波子棋會員價$125 產地: 澳洲 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) Natural Animal Solutions Organic Seaweed 300gm Nutrient rich supplement – naturally high in iodine In order to avoid an iodine deficiency we sourced one of the most nutrient rich seaweed supplements available, that is high in the trace mineral iodine, and collected from the pristine beaches of King Island, Tasmania. Natural Animal Solutions® Organic Seaweed is a highly absorbable seaweed, and completely free from fillers, colours or flavour enhancers. Organic Seaweed is rich in many nutrients including Vitamin A, B complex, C, E and trace minerals iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, iodine, copper, cobalt, sulphur and boron, also making it ideal for use as a multi-vitamin supplement. Natural Animal Solutions Organic Seaweed is NASAA certified organic and can be used for cat’s, dog’s, horses, as well as livestock; sheep, goats, cattle, chickens and pigs Benefits Economical multi-vitamin supplement Provides essential iodine Thyroid support Rich in multi-nutrients Features NASAA certified organic 100% pure seaweed Free from fillers, colours and flavour enhancers Suitable for cat’s, dog’s, horses, as well as livestock; sheep, goats, cattle, chickens and pigs Delivery Powder Contraindications Use with caution for thyroid disease Dosages And Directions Sprinkle powder onto food once daily Maintenance Cats 1/8 scoop daily Dogs Small: 1/8 scoop daily Medium: 1/4 scoop daily Large: 1/2 scoop daily Equine: 1 scoop daily Ingredients Organic seaweed
