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Nutramax Cosequin Maximum Strength Plus MSM 狗用關節保健特強配方

HKD 218.00 起



已售出: 177


價格: ●普通版 60粒 $218 ●普通版 132粒 $388 ●普通版 250粒 $608 ●含HA版 75粒 $250 ●含HA版 250粒 $668 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 美國直送




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Nutramax Cosequin 歷史悠久是美國關節保健獸醫師推薦第一品牌,經FDA製造監管及臨床證實,美國獸醫一直沿用絕對安全,特別加強配方有助於維持狗的軟骨和結締組織。
1.Glucosamine HCL* 99%(葡萄糖胺鹽酸鹽) 600mg :葡萄糖胺是動物及人類體內的一種胺基糖,存在於軟骨與結締組織的各處,也是形成軟骨細胞最重要的營養素之一,人類與動物都可以在體內自行合成,只是隨著年齡的增加,合成的速度趕不上分解的速度,於是發生體內及關節缺乏的現象,進而影響關節內細胞的新陳代謝。葡萄糖胺會被分解成為胺基酸,可以轉換成半乳糖,也可以轉換成軟骨素,藉由自然界葡萄糖胺的補充,可以促進體內蛋白多糖以及膠原蛋白的製造,補充關節滑液,並提供受傷後關節恢復健康軟骨組織所必須的材料。 
2. Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate*95%(硫酸軟骨素) 300mg: 軟骨素即是當有潤滑功能的 滑膜液變稀薄時﹐其緩沖功能降低﹐軟骨肌腱及骨骼就互相摩擦﹐而損壞及疼痛。尤其是因為滑膜液太薄﹐當骨節施壓力於神經時﹐會引致疼痛。維骨素會使滑膜液變厚及更有黏性﹐因而增強其緩沖能力﹐減少摩擦和疼痛。 3.Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 250 mg 4.Manganese 5mg:維繫骨骼及結締組織的發展。
4.Manganese 5mg:維繫骨骼及結締組織的發展

另有一款包含HA配方,HA為Sodium Hyaluronate 透明質酸鈉,可為關節提供粘性,支持關節功能並減少關節表面之間的摩擦。

初次服用,建議先遵照初期劑量服用,4 ~ 6星期後再轉到維持劑量。

31-60磅:前4~6星期, 每日2粒,維持劑量每日1粒 
60磅以上:前4~6星期, 每日3粒,維持劑量每日1-2粒

Nutramax Cosequin Maximum Strength Plus MSM

Help give your canine companion the support he needs with Nutramax Cosequin Maximum Strength (DS) Plus MSM. This joint support supplement is formulated for adult dogs and contains glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM. These tasty chewable tablets are easy to administer and can even be disguised in your furry friend’s favorite food. Best of all, Nutramax is a number one veterinarian-recommended brand, so you can feel confident giving this joint supplement to your pal.

Key Benefits
Nutramax Cosequin is formulated to help support your furry friend’s joints and mobility.
Supports cartilage production and helps to protect existing cartilage from breaking down.
Safe, effective and bioavailable supplement that is great for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes
Nutramax is a number one veterinarian-recommended brand, so you can feel safe giving your pal this supplement.
Double strength, chewable tablets can be easily crushed and disguised in your canine companion’s favorite food.
Store in a cool, dry area. Keep out of reach of children.

Active Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Manganese (Manganese Ascorbate).

Nutramax Cosequin Maximum Strength Plus MSM & HA

Restore your aging pup’s mobility and overall quality of life with Nutramax Cosequin DS Plus MSM & Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Joint Health Dog Supplement. Cosequin features an exclusive combination of high purity glucosamine, low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate and manganese ascorbate that’s proven to be superior to other similar products on the market. This patented, scientifically researched nutritional supplement also helps keep the joints of younger large-breed and working dogs strong and healthy by inhibiting the enzymes that breakdown cartilage.

Key Benefits
Restore your aging pup’s mobility and overall quality of life to help her run, jump and climb stairs with less pain or discomfort.
Features an exclusive combination of high purity glucosamine, low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate and manganese ascorbate, as well as MSM and HA for added efficacy.
Cosequin is the only glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate supplement that has been shown safe, effective and bioavailable in peer-reviewed, published, controlled, U.S. veterinary studies.
Patented, scientifically researched nutritional supplement also helps younger large-breed and working dogs maintain strong, healthy joints and cartilage.
Manufactured in the USA following the same strict production standards adopted by the pharmaceutical industry; every batch is tested to ensure quality.
Store at room temperature with bottle tightly closed. For use in animals only. Keep out of reach of children.

Active Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride† (Derived From Shellfish), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate† (Derived From Bovine Cartilage), Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Sodium Hyaluronate (HA), Manganese (Manganese Ascorbate).

Inactive Ingredients: Brewers Dried Yeast, Dextrose, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Natural & Artificial Flavors,And Silicon Dioxide.
