Nutramax Cosequin for Cat 貓用關節補充膠囊



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Nutramax Cosequin for Cat 貓用關節補充膠囊 ‼️貨品詳情包括使用日期等都在此看到👇 網站內能加入購物車的都有現貨,明碼實價,可以慢慢選購😻多謝支持 簡介: Cosequin為美國NO.1 品牌及獸醫推薦的關節保養產品,具美國公信力第三認證單位Consumer Lab 驗證,產品含量符合標示。 此貓用關節丸是幫助貓隻維持關節健康的營養補充劑,成分包含葡萄糖胺和軟骨素,對維持關節健康非常有效,並且無處方藥可能帶來的副作用。美味的天然雞肉和吞拿魚口味的膠囊,專為貓咪配製,可將膠囊打開將粉末加入貓咪飼料中攪拌食用,可增加適口性。 建議使用方法: 首四至六週 10 磅以下貓貓的首次劑量一般為一粒膠囊,可混入食物中服用,每日一次; 10 磅以上貓貓則需服用兩粒膠囊,可混入食物中服用,每日一次。 四至六週過後 服用劑量可維持不變,但次數可由每日一次減為隔天一次。 價格: $180/樽 (80粒) 產地: 美國 Exp date: 06/26 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) Description Healthy articular (joint) cartilage is crucial to joint utility. Cosequin helps support cartilage production and protect existing cartilage from breakdown. The only joint health supplement brand shown effective, safe, and bioavailable in published, controlled U.S. studies, Cosequin is manufactured following standards similar to those practiced by the pharmaceutical industry. Cosequin has been proven safe in cats. Cosequin, a nutritional supplement, safely and effectively provides joint cartilage support while maintaining your cat’s comfort level. Some veterinarians also recommend Cosequin to help support urinary bladder health. Key Benefits \#1 Veterinarian recommended joint health supplement Cosequin helps support and maintain the health of your cat’s joints and cartilage and can also help support urinary bladder health Supports cartilage production and protects existing cartilage from breakdown Use Cosequin to help your pet be healthy to jump, pounce, and play Great for cats of all sizes Precautions Store in a cool, dry area. Keep out of reach of children. Ingredients Active Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, Manganese Minimum. Feeding Instructions Weight Initial Period (4 - 6 Weeks) Daily Feeding UNDER 10 LBS 1 capsule sprinkled on food OVER 10 LBS 2 capsules sprinkled on food Once desired response is obtained, capsules may be given every other day for maintenance. Number of capsules given may be increased at any time depending on your cat's needs.

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