Panacur 18.75% Oral Paste 杜蟲軟膏 貓狗適用



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Panacur 18.75% Oral Paste 杜蟲軟膏 貓狗適用(5g) 價格: $85/支 由英國直送 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) 簡介: Panacur 18.75% 口服杜蟲軟膏是廣泛驅蟲藥,獸醫推薦,能有效驅除寵物體內各種寄生蟲,適用於6個星期以上的幼貓狗,甚至懷孕中的貓狗都可服用,安全可靠。含活性成份 Fenbendazole (芬苯達唑) 可有效去除多種體内寄生蟲,用於治療感染了腸胃道和呼吸道線蟲包括未成熟和成熟階段的貓狗,另對線蟲卵也有殺卵作用。 建議使用方法: 6個月以下的幼貓狗 : 體重每 1kg 注射1刻度,連續服3天。 成年貓犬:體重每1 kg 注射2刻度。 (每支軟膏有18度) @建議成年貓狗每年最少使用2至4次 @直接口服,在餵食正餐之後將軟膏從注射器擠壓到舌頭後部 *上表為建議劑量,請依獸醫師指示使用* PANACUR PASTE FOR DOGS & CATS 10X5G (WORMING PASTE) Panacur Paste is effective against many round, hook and tapeworms such as Toxocara, Toxascaris, Anyclostma, Trichuris, Uncinaria, and Taenia species, as well as Giardia infections in dogs, and lungworm in both cats and dogs in accordance with the instructions provided. Panacur Paste is easy worming for young puppies and kittens (under 12 weeks) one tube treats 6kg (approx 13lbs) Cats and small breeds of dog One tube treats 9kg (approx 20lbs) of adult animal Panacur contains Fenbendazole and is suitable for both cats and dogs, including unweaned puppies and kittens from two weeks of age. Repeat worming at 5, 8 and 12 weeks of age It is good practice to worm the bitch or queen a the same intervals as the puppies and kittens, granules, liquid and tablets are available An untreated pup or kitten will shed literally millions of infective eggs which are a hazard to other animals and children Safeguards children from Toxocara (Roundworm) infection which can lead to blindness- ask your optician The only licensed treatment of Giardia use with appropriate dosage levels
