購物滿 HKD 400.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Pet Wellbeing Milk Thistle 奶薊排毒護肝素



已售出: 64


價錢: ●2oz (59ml) $285 ●4oz (118ml) $458 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 美國或加拿大製造


• 幫助防止自由基損傷
• 幫助穩定肝膜
• 幫助支持肝臟恢復
• 防止毒素與肝臟結合
奶薊草還支持新肝細胞的產生,幫助替換受損細胞。作為抗氧化劑,水飛薊素比維生素 E 更有效。
• 抗生素
• 皮質類固醇
• 化療藥物
• 常規心絲蟲藥物
注意:一些在健康商店出售的奶薊草是含酒精的,不應該給寵物吃。Pet Wellbeing Milk Thistle是以甘油為基礎的,對寵物來說是安全的。
作為一種抗氧化劑,水飛薊素比維生素 E 更有效。它還有助於支持新肝細胞的產生。
• 抗炎藥:非甾體抗炎藥和類固醇
• 化療藥物
• 膽汁酸
• 免疫抑製劑
• 癲癇藥物
• 磺胺類抗生素
• 每日心絲蟲藥物

每天口服一次產品。體重每增加 1 磅(0.5 公斤)給一滴,最高可達 50 磅。超過 50 磅,每增加 2 磅(1 公斤)加一滴。
滴滴的最佳方式! 添加到食物中。在喜愛的食物或零食的一小部分中加入滴劑,並確保食用全部量。

What is Milk Thistle?
Milk Thistle is a natural supplement, well-known for helping with liver disease in dogs, dogs and humans alike, and is gentle enough for long-term use.

The active components in Milk Thistle are called silymarins. These constituents:

Help protect against free radical damage
Aid in stabilizing liver membranes
Help support liver recovery
Guard against toxins binding to the liver
Milk Thistle also supports the production of new liver cells, helping to replace damaged cells. As anti-oxidants, silymarins are even more effective than vitamin E.

Milk Thistle provides beneficial support when being treated with:

Chemotherapy agents
Conventional heartworm medication
A note from our veterinarian:
A healthy liver is important because it detoxifies any chemicals or pesticides our dogs may be exposed to, toxins in food they scavenge, and chemical prescription drugs.

The liver performs dozens of different functions in the body, including clearing out toxins. Yet liver disease (including cirrhosis) is one of the most common health problems in older canines. It can damage all functions of the dog’s liver, with very harmful health effects.

Even canines without liver disease may need support to metabolize and excrete prescription medications, which are often damaging to the liver. Milk Thistle is an excellent way to support the liver in dealing with the toxic load of medications.

Milk Thistle should be administered to every dog taking liver-taxing medications and especially if the liver is damaged or diseased. Milk Thistle is not contraindicated with conventional medications and is gentle enough for long-term use.

Note: Some Milk Thistle sold in health stores is alcohol-based and should not be given to dogs. Pet Wellbeing Milk Thistle is glycerin-based and safe for dogs.

As an anti-oxidant, silymarin is even more effective than vitamin E. It also helps support the production of new liver cells.

Milk Thistle provides beneficial support when your canine is being treated with:

Anti-inflammatories:  NSAIDS and steroids
Chemotherapy agents
Bile acids
Seizure medication
Sulfa antibiotics
Daily heartworm medications

How to Administer Milk Thistle
Administer product orally once daily. Give one drop for every 1 lb (0.5 kg) of body weight up to 50 lbs. Over 50 lbs, add one drop per additional 2 lbs (1 kg).

BEST way to give drops! Add to food. Add drops to a small portion of a favorite food or treat and ensure the entire amount is consumed.

Shake well before use. Does not require refrigeration.

We know animals can be finicky! Milk Thistle is enhanced with delicious natural bacon flavor. We recommend administration of the drops in a way that your dog will like best.

Use With Caution
Safe use in pregnant animals or animal's intended for breeding has not been proven.  
If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product. 
For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.



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