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Pet Wellbeing Throat Gold 上呼吸道免疫力增強劑



已售出: 110


價錢: ●2oz (59ml) $338 ●4oz (118ml) $538 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 美國或加拿大製造


• 打噴嚏
• 流鼻涕
• 水汪汪的大眼睛
• 嘎嘎的呼吸,沙啞的呼嚕聲
• 哮喘
• 打鼾
• 降低能量水平
什麼是Throat Gold?
Throat Gold 使用草藥成分開發,以全面支持貓科動物的喉嚨組織和整個上呼吸道。我們的獸醫選擇了可以解決健康呼吸和一般免疫力的草藥,特別是喉嚨表面的免疫力。Throat Gold 中的一些草藥被稱為“鎮痛劑”。鎮痛劑是一種植物成分,粘液含量高,可舒緩和鎮靜喉嚨刺激、炎症和咳嗽。 
Throat Gold是做什麼用的?
持續咳嗽不僅對寵物來說很費勁,對寵物主人來說也是如此。Throat Gold 可以幫助支持貓對感染的正常免疫反應。Throat Gold 有效地維持喉嚨和呼吸道的健康組織並緩解不適。曾待在通風不良的地區、感到壓力大(例如在旅行期間)或暴露於香煙煙霧中的動物可能抵抗感染的能力較低。患有哮喘的寵物也更容易出現呼吸道症狀,對於哮喘的症狀管理,考慮 另一款Respir-Gold。
Throat Gold 也可用於治療喉嚨嘶啞。該配方的成分對支持和維持上呼吸道的健康和舒適非常有效。確保不要將試圖清吐毛球的貓的“鳴喇叭”咳嗽與呼吸道感染混淆。
• 滑榆樹皮(榆樹): 滑榆樹的樹皮含有大量的粘液,用於舒緩喉嚨的粘膜。常用於止咳化痰,有助於舒緩喉嚨。
• 毛蕊花葉(Verbascum spp.):毛蕊花 為肺部和喉嚨提供支持。Mullein 的葉子含有粘液,這是一種重要的草藥成分,可以分解粘液和舒緩喉嚨的刺激。
• 松蘿(Usnea barbata): 松蘿,也被稱為“老人的鬍鬚”,支持免疫力,對喉嚨組織的免疫力特別有效。適用於細菌和病毒條件。
• 去甘草甘草根(Glycyrrhiza glabra):甘草根 是使用最廣泛的草藥之一,它支持免疫系統,同時還為喉嚨和肺部提供直接的舒緩特性。
... 總計 423 毫克/毫升

每天兩次口服給藥產品。每 2 磅(1 公斤)體重滴一滴(約0.05ml)。
• 懷孕期間不得使用。
• 如果動物的狀況惡化或沒有改善,請停止產品管理並諮詢您的獸醫。
• 僅供動物使用。遠離兒童和動物。
• 如果意外過量,請立即聯繫健康專家。

About Respiratory Problems in Cats
Many cats – especially very young and older cats – are prone to catching upper respiratory infections, similar to colds in humans. These tend to be highly contagious, so it’s best to keep an infected feline away from others, if possible.

Respiratory infections can be serious health conditions in both kittens and elderly cats, occasionally resulting in death. Even in an otherwise healthy and strong cat, respiratory infections are very unpleasant – just as a cold or flu is unpleasant to you. So it’s a good idea to get treatment, if only to ease your cat’s symptoms.

Common symptoms

Runny nose
Watery eyes
Rattling breath, husky purring
Reduced energy levels
What is Throat Gold?
Throat Gold has been developed using herbal ingredients to holistically support the tissues of the throat and entire upper respiratory tract of felines. Our veterinarians have selected herbs that address healthy respiration and general immunity,  but specifically immunity of the throat's surface. Some of the herbs in Throat Gold are termed "demulcents". Demulcents are a type of plant constituent that are high in mucilage content and act to soothe and calm throat irritation, inflammation and cough.

We recommend a consultation with your veterinarian if you suspect your feline has a respiratory infection.

What is Throat Gold Used For?
Continuous coughing can be strenuous not only for a pet but for a pet owner as well. Throat Gold can help support your cat's normal immune response to infection. Throat Gold effectively works to maintain healthy tissues in the throat and respiratory tract and eases discomfort. Animals who have stayed in areas with poor ventilation, feel stressed out (such as during travel) or are exposed to cigarette smoke, may have less ability to fight infections. Kennels are often places where a pet can pick up an airborne infection. Pets that suffer from asthma are also more prone to respiratory symptoms. For symptom management of asthma, consider Respir-Gold.

Throat Gold can also be used for hoarseness of the throat. The ingredients of this formula are highly effective for supporting and maintaining health and comfort of the upper respiratory tract. Be sure not to confuse the "honking" cough of a cat attempting to clear a hairball with a respiratory infection.

How to Administer Throat Gold
Administer product orally twice daily. Give one drop for every 2 lbs (1 kg) of body weight.

BEST way to give drops! Add to food. Add drops to a small portion of a favorite food or treat and ensure the entire amount is consumed.

Shake well before use. Does not require refrigeration.

Reduce exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, cold temperatures, stress and poorly ventilated areas.

We know cats can be finicky! Throat Gold is enhanced with delicious natural bacon flavor. We recommend administration of the drops in a way that your cat will like best.

Use With Caution
Not to be used during pregnancy.
If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children and animals.
In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.
