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Pet Wellbeing Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains 寵物高效益生菌



已售出: 105


價格: ●160g $270 ●320g $460 注意:標籤上註明的成分數量在生產日期後大約 18 個月內將保持穩定。 儲存條件可以延長或降低益生菌的穩定性。建議打開後將容器保存在冰箱中。確保沒有水分進入容器。 由於購買後存儲條件不同的影響,該產品沒有具體的有效期。 美國或加拿大製造


什麼是 Ultimate Probiotic 9 菌株?
這是一種用於寵物的高效益生菌補充劑,提供9種不同的益生菌菌株,並添加了益生元。Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strain 含有對貓狗有益的菌株,具有高效的效力。

Ultimate Probiotic 9 菌株的用途是什麼?
越來越多的研究表明,腸道細菌的健康平衡到底有多重要。在構成免疫系統的所有細胞中,大約 70% 的細胞位於腸道中。當病原體經口進入人體時,腸道細胞提供了人體自然防禦和對抗有害細菌和病毒的能力的主要部分。這對人類和動物都是如此。簡而言之,健康的腸道菌群有助於維持強大的免疫系統。
• 敏感性,特別是與飲食相關的
• 免疫
• 腸道健康和消化
• 泌尿道
• 皮膚病
• 身體和情緒壓力
• 焦慮
• 寄養之前和之後
• 飲食改變
• 如果服用藥物,尤其是抗生素

水分(最大) .......... 6.0%
*FOS(低聚果糖) ..................................... 1000 毫克
*未被 AAFCO 狗糧或貓糧營養成分認定為必需營養素

低於 40 磅 ....每天與食物混合服用 1 勺 (約1.6g)
超過 40 磅 ...每天與食物混合服用 2 勺 (約3.2g)
儲存在華氏 70 度或以下的陰涼乾燥處。建議開封後冷藏。

What is our Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains?

This is a high potency probiotic supplement for pets, supplying nine different strains of probiotics with added prebiotics. Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains contains beneficial strains specific for dogs and cats, at a highly effective potency.

Beneficial bacteria exist throughout the bodies of humans and animals. They are vital to our existence and regulate numerous physiological processes. These organisms are passed from a mother to the offspring during birth and begin to populate the body inside and out, including the mucosa of the digestive tract and the layers of the skin. Throughout life, there are many things we come into contact with that can harm this microbiome or microflora, as it is sometimes called. Stressors can include medications, infections, environmental toxins and unhealthy foods.

Ingesting beneficial bacteria through foods and supplements supports the microbiome to stay strong and healthy. Probiotic bacteria are a normal and necessary part of the body's defence against harmful pathogens. Without these beneficial bacteria, the body is less resistant to infections, has difficulty digesting foods and displays less neurological stability.

Be sure when comparing the strengths of different probiotic supplements, that you are comparing the same milligrams or grams. Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains guarantees the viability of the healthy bacterial strains until the date of expiry at 5 billion CFU (organisms) per 500 milligrams (equivalent to 10 billion CFU per gram).

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) are added as a prebiotic and soluble fiber to support the health of the probiotics as well as the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

What is Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains used for?

Increasing research demonstrates just how important a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria really is. Of all the cells that comprise the immune system, approximately 70% of those cells are located in the intestines. When pathogens are orally introduced into the body, the cells in the gut provide a major part of the body's natural defenses and ability to fight harmful bacteria and viruses. This is true for humans as well as animals. Put simply, healthy gut flora help maintain a strong immune system.

The key to maintaining a healthy balance of flora is to incorporate probiotics into a daily regimen and/or make probiotic-rich foods part of a regular diet. Probiotics are found in lacto-fermented foods, such as fermented sauerkraut (i.e. not the kind made with vinegar or wine). Fermented dairy products such as unsweetened yogurt and kefir also help supply the body with beneficial bacteria.

Why do so many animals require probiotics for optimal health? As mentioned, the factors that can damage this vital microbiome in the digestive tract range from unhealthy foods to environmental toxins to medications. A single course of antibiotic treatment, though sometimes absolutely necessary, can wipe out the intended harmful bacteria it is meant to destroy but also the beneficial bacteria, leaving the body vulnerable to recurring infections, digestive problems, allergies and more.

Besides the maintenance of good health, there are many conditions that benefit from the use of probiotics:

Sensitivities, particularly diet-related
Bowel health and Digestion
Urinary tract
Skin disorders
Physical and emotional stress
Before and after kennel boarding
Diet change
If taking medications, especially antibiotics
Always seek the consultation of your veterinarian, as needed.


Moisture (max.) ....................................................................... 6.0%
*Total microorganisms .......................... not less than 5 billion CFU

(Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis/longum)

*FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) ............................................. 1000 mg

*Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog or Cat Food Nutrient Profiles

Contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms.


All sizes of cats ......................... Give half scoop daily mixed with food

Under 40 lbs ................... Give 1 scoop daily mixed with food
Over 40 lbs ..................... Give 2 scoops daily mixed with food


Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Recommended to refrigerate after opening.

There are no known side effects or precautions associated with Ultimate Probiotic 9 Strains.

As a general rule, it is not recommended to administer anything else if you give your cat blood thinners.



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