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Protexin Cystophan For Cat 貓用泌尿道疾病控制膠囊(30粒) 及 (240粒)



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Protexin Cystophan For Cat 貓用泌尿道疾病控制膠囊 (30粒) 及 (240粒) 產品介紹: 根據外國資料10歲以下貓貓有65%會患上Feline Idiopathic Cystitis 貓科突發性急性膀胱炎(簡稱FIC). 接近50%曾患有FIC的貓貓會在一年內再病發, 因此貓貓家長們絕對需要一種高效能的產品去預防及治療泌尿道疾病. "Protexin Cystophan Capsules for Cats" 含有3種重要成份N-acetyl D-glucosamine, L-tryptophan and Hyaluronic acid, 能有效通過結合舒緩膀胱內壁和減輕其壓力, 可以有較控制貓貓膀胱不適情形。另外產品混入雞肉味令貓貓更容易入口。 成份: N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine (99%) N-乙醯D-氨基葡萄糖 125mg Tryptophan 色胺酸 37.5 mg Hyaluronic acid 玻尿酸  10mg 貓科突發性(急性)膀胱炎FIC的臨床症狀最常見是: 排尿困難 - 排尿不暢或有痛楚 尿頻 - 排尿次數增加 血尿 - 尿液帶血 在不應該排尿的地方排尿 - 例如不用貓砂盤 過度清潔自己毛髮 - 特別環繞陰部地方 服用量: 起始期建議服用至少兩週: 少於 3kg 的貓貓,每天1粒  超過 3kg 的貓貓,每天2粒 保健期,建議長期服用: 少於 3kg 的貓貓,每兩天1粒 超過 3kg 的貓貓,每天1粒 **可長期服用或按照獸醫師的建議服用** 產地:英國 售價: 一樽30粒 - $120 一樽240粒- $600 (如使用日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢) Cystophan High level support for feline urinary health Description A healthy urinary tract is important for a healthy cat. Interactions between several body systems including the bladder and nervous systems can affect your cat’s urinary health. External influences in today’s busy environment can also affect your cat’s state of mind. Normal healthy bladders have a layer of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) coating them. This layer protects the bladder from direct exposure to urine. Urine activates sensory nerve fibres which the brain perceives as uncomfortable. Cystophan helps to support and preserve the protective glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer of the bladder. It also contains L-tryptophan which is used in the brain to make serotonin, the happy hormone. Ingredients N-acetyl D-glucosamine Acts as a building block for GAGs. Hyaluronic acid One of the main components of the protective GAG layer that lines the bladder. L-tryptophan Converted to serotonin, the happy hormone. Artificial chicken flavouring To improve palatability and compliance. Cystophan is the first nutritional supplement to provide this combination of ingredients. Reducing the number of products your cat needs to take. Cystophan is available in tubs of 30 and 240 capsules. Directions for Use The capsules can be given whole or opened, and the palatable contents sprinkled onto food. Initially administer according to the guidelines below for at least two weeks. For long-term maintenance, administer according to the guidelines below: Give for as long as considered necessary or as advised by your veterinary surgeon.



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