Resvantage Canine 維蘆醇 白藜蘆醇 (狗用) 30粒膠囊裝





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Resvantage Canine 維蘆醇 白藜蘆醇 (狗用) 30粒膠囊裝 簡介: Resvantage Canine ®維蘆醇利用獨特的白藜蘆醇配方及醫藥級生產技術 (如:Licaps®、Micronization「微粒化技術」),對抗寵物老化及老年癌症的問題。Resvantage Canine® 維蘆醇榮獲 2009 年美國國家癌症犬基金會 (National Cnaine Cancer Foundation) 的「粉色足印章」,被御為—個有助減少寵物老化及對坑癌症的御用產品,乃新一代的抗衰老、抗癌症營養品牌。白藜蘆醇乃是萃取自一種名為虎杖Japanese Knotweed,別名:假川七,學名:(Polygonum cuspidatum)的植物,而由虎杖中所萃取的白藜蘆醇是以高效反式白藜蘆醇(Trans - Resveratrol)為主,不但穩定,更含有較高的活性,有助提升產品效能。 其他主要活性成份包括:。 大西洋海藻 (Atlantic Kelp) - 含豐富維生素、微量礦物元素及胺基酸,可提供全面營養,同時亦是豐富碘質的來源。 亞麻籽油 (Flaxseed oil) - 含豐富 Omega 3 不飽和脂肪酸,是維持體內正常新陳代謝的重要元素。 卵磷脂 (Lecithin) - 是組成細胞膜的主要成份之一,乃同時具有親油、親水雙性(Amphoteric) 特徵的界面活性劑,因此具有乳化、幫助分解油脂的作用。 使用方式: 每日1粒 (可單獨食用,或與食物混合餵食) 若使用後產生不適症狀,請立即停用並詢問獸醫,小於6月齡的幼犬請勿食用,對碘(海藻)敏感者請勿食用 價格: 一盒30粒 $255 買3盒每盒$240 產地: 美國 Exp date: 11/27 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) DESCRIPTION Resveratrol is one of a group of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols found in numerous plants that has healthful properties. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps support a healthy immune response. Resvantage Canine promotes athletic performance and increased endurance Resvantage Canine works at the cellular level to improve performance Mitochondria are the principal energy sources of the cell that convert nutrients into energy. Properly functioning mitochondria pave the way for an array of benefits from muscle growth and increased energy to greater endurance. Recent evidence from animal studies has shown resveratrol to have significantly increased the number of mitochondria in cells with equivalent increases in aerobic capacity. Resvantage Canine offers a natural solution to canine health needs A precise synergistic blend custom formulated from natural sources that include Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins all working together to address a wide range of canine health needs and to promote: Key Features Healthy Joint Function Cardiovascular Health Increased Energy & Endurance Antioxidant Activity Healthy Metabolic Function Digestive Health Healthy Skin & Coat Carton containing 30 liquid-filled capsules. Resvantage Canine® capsules are intended to be taken orally. Suggested Use: Give dogs 1 capsule daily for every 30 lbs. If giving more than one capsule daily, divide between AM and PM. Safety/Resveratrol: Resveratrol is well tolerated and safe for long-term daily use. There are no known side effects or contra-indications associated with resveratrol supplementation. Precautions: Response to supplements varies by individual. If your dog exhibits any symptoms that concern you, discontinue use and contact your veterinarian. Warnings: Not for puppies less than six (6) months old. Storage: Store at room temperature, between 59°-86° F (15°-30° C). Brief periods of up to 104° F (40° C) are permitted.



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