Resvantage Feline 維蘆醇貓用白藜蘆醇膠囊





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Resvantage Feline 維蘆醇 白藜蘆醇 (貓用) 30粒膠囊裝 簡介: Resvantage Feline ®貓用白藜蘆醇針對貓隻老齡慢性疾病和預防癌病的營養品牌。幫助老年貓隻維持年輕狀態, 減慢老化速度, 改善精神, 食慾不振, 行動遲緩等老年徵狀。而白藜蘆醇乃是萃取自一種名為虎杖Japanese Knotweed,別名:假川七,學名:(Polygonum cuspidatum)的植物,而由虎杖中所萃取的白藜蘆醇是以高效反式白藜蘆醇(Trans - Resveratrol)為主,不但穩定,更含有較高的活性,有助提升產品效能。 其他主要活性成份包括: 大西洋海藻 (Atlantic Kelp) :富含維生素、微量礦物元素及胺基酸,可提供全面營養之外,海藻也是豐富碘質的來源。 魚油 (Fish oil) : 是豐富Omega-3不飽和脂肪酸 卵磷脂 (Lecithin) :是細胞膜的主要成份之一,同時具有親油、親水兩性(amphoteric)特徵的界面活性劑,因此具有乳化、幫助分解油脂的作用。 牛磺酸 (Taurine) :對貓來說這是一種必需物質 (意即體內自身無法合成),以維持體內正常代謝的重要元素。 使用方式: 每日1粒 (可單獨食用,或與食物混合餵食) 若使用後產生不適症狀,請立即停用並詢問獸醫,小於6月齡的幼貓請勿食用,對碘(海藻)敏感者請勿食用 價格: 一盒30粒 $280 買3盒(每盒$265) 產地: 美國 Exp date: 27年11月 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) DESCRIPTION Resveratrol is one of a group of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols found in numerous plants that has healthful properties. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps support a healthy immune response. RESVANTAGE FELINE® PROMOTES ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE and INCREASED ENDURANCE RESVANTAGE FELINE® WORKS AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE Mitochondria are the principal energy sources of the cell that convert nutrients into energy. Properly functioning mitochondria pave the way for an array of benefits from muscle growth and increased energy to greater endurance. Recent evidence from animal studies has shown resveratrol to have significantly increased the number of mitochondria in cells with equivalent increases in aerobic capacity. RESVANTAGE FELINE® OFFERS A NATURAL SOLUTION TO FELINE HEALTH NEEDS A PRECISE SYNERGISTIC BLEND CUSTOM FORMULATED FROM NATURAL SOURCES that include Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins all working together to address a wide range of canine health needs and to promote: Key Features: Healthy Joint Function Cardiovascular Health Antioxidant Protection Healthy Skin and Coat Ocular and Oral Health Healthy Metabolic Function Digestive Health Carton containing 30 liquid-filled capsules. INGREDIENTS Resveratrol - A naturally occurring polyphenol demonstrating diverse health benefits supporting joint, cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological health, plus an immune system booster and powerful antioxidant. Atlantic Kelp - Rich in vitamins, trace minerals and amino acids which are essential for complete nutritional support. Sea kelp is also a natural source of iodine beneficial for thyroid and glandular health and it improves digestion and reduces stress. Flaxseed Oil - An excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids are critically important for neuromuscular development, skin health, coat quality. Lecithin - A sustainer to the nervous system and brain promoting alertness and steady nerves. Lecithin improves digestion of fats for a healthier liver and improved metabolic process. Ingredient Source: All the ingredients in Resvantage Feline® are naturally occurring. Resveratrol is found in more than 70 different plant varieties including grapes, peanuts, pomegranates, blueberries, pines and Giant Knotweed. Resvantage® sources its trans-resveratrol from the Knotweed plant; Botanical name - Polygonum Cuspidatum. This is the same source of pharmaceutical grade resveratrol used in studies conducted by the NIH and other medical research institutions and universities. Capsule Integrity: Resvantage Feline® is manufactured to cGMP* standards and a rigorous quality assurance program. It is lab tested during all phases of the process insuring that the active compounds are free of heavy metal toxicity and microbiological contaminants. Resvantage Feline® is Laboratory Tested and then encapsulated in an oxygen-free, nitrogen-rich environment by the Capsugel® division of Pfizer utilizing their exclusive patented Licaps® process. This helps prevent oxidation and ensures that each capsule retains its potency.
