Synoquin EFA 中型犬關節補充劑 (中型犬120粒)





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Synoquin EFA 狗用關節補充劑 (中型犬120粒) 價格: 成長犬- 60粒 ($208) 小型犬 - 10kg以下 90粒 每盒 $418@買兩盒每盒$408 中型犬 - 10-25kg 120粒 每盒 $618@買兩盒每盒$598 大型犬 - 25kg以上 120粒 每盒 $718@買兩盒每盒$698 @藥片及膠囊同價 長期現貨 產地: 英國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: Synoquin EFA 狗用關節補充劑含有Dexahan, 是一種獨特的奧米加3脂肪酸(EFAs)來源。加奧米加3脂肪酸(EFAs)入到狗狗的膳食中可為他的健康帶來很多良好的幫助,尤其是關節健康。Dexahan是從磷蝦提煉出來,磷蝦是一種微小的甲殼類動物,具有特別大的營養價值!磷蝦油中的奧米加3脂肪酸,是眾多脂肪酸來源中,最容易消化并吸收。他們來自一個環保的來源,充滿了抗氧化劑,不會令你的寵物因服食Synoquin EFA 狗用關節補充丸,而帶有魚腥味的口氣。 幼犬在出世後頭18個月會快速成長,狗狗的體重有可能增加60-70倍,如果沒有足夠營養的話,這對骨骼和關節的生長造成了極大的壓力,而引致很多骨骼和關節問題,如軟骨關節炎等, 而VetPlus Synoquin Growth就是針對成長中之狗狗, 補充足夠骨骼和關節成長所需之營養。 成份 • 軟骨素 – 健康軟骨和關節液的關鍵營養素 • 葡萄糖胺 – 軟骨和關節液的基本構件之一 • Dexahan – 高度純化形式的磷蝦油,其充當奧米加3脂肪酸的豐富來源,以及提供蝦青素,強效抗氧化劑 • 鋅– 在軟骨和骨的代謝中是重要的元素 • 維他命 C – 水溶性抗氧化物 建議使用方法: 可以直接餵食或打開膠囊將粉末加入食物中餵食。服用時劑量需按以下,或經獸醫指示進行 初期(首6星期)。 : 每日早晚各1粒 6星期後(長期服用): 每日服用通常可以減少到每天1粒 幼犬每天吃2片,最好分早晚服用。從3個月大開始使用,直到15-24個月完全長大取決於狗狗品種。 Since 1998, SYNOQUIN® has been recommended by vets and trusted by pet owners as the UK’s leading product and is the only joint supplement to contain Dexahan, a purified Krill Oil. This key ingredient provides a great source of highly bioavailable Omega 3 fatty acids. Why Should I See My Vet? At VetPlus we believe vets are best placed to advise the best course of action for your pet. Joints provide the body with natural flexibility and shock-absorbing ability to allow your dog to cope with daily activity. The joints are extremely complex and your vet will be able to perform checks to ensure they’re healthy. The highly palatable tablets can be fed directly to your dog as a treat or broken and mixed in with their normal feed. Capsules can be opened and mixed with food or given whole. Do not lower the suggested intakes unless advised by your veterinary surgeon and to ensure maximum benefit, it is important to complete the initial six week loading programme as per the table Weight Initial Loading Programme - Six Weeks <10kg Two Small Breed tablets or capsules daily (one morning and one evening 10-25kg Three Medium Breed tablets or capsules daily (two morning and one evening) 25-40kg Three Large Breed tablets or capsules daily (two morning and one evening) >40kg Four Large Breed tablets or capsules daily (two morning and two evening) Each Synoquin chewable tablet (Capsules) contains: Small breed Medium breed Large breed Glucosamine HCl 99% 225mg 360mg 475mg Chondroitin Sulphate 95% 95mg 135mg 200mg Krill 95mg 135mg 200mg Ascorbic Acid 22mg 35mg 50mg Zinc 15mg 20mg 30mg



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