Synoquin Growth 成長犬關節補充藥片





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Synoquin Growth 成長犬關節補充藥片 簡介: 幼犬在出世後頭18個月會快速成長,狗狗的體重有可能增加60-70倍,如果沒有足夠營養的話,這對骨骼和關節的生長造成了極大的壓力,而引致很多骨骼和關節問題,如軟骨關節炎等, 而VetPlus Synoquin Growth就是針對成長中之狗狗, 補充足夠骨骼和關節成長所需之營養。 成份 Synoquin Growth是藥用級軟骨素和氨基葡萄糖的獨特專利組合,含量如下:氨基葡萄糖(99% 純度) 125mg硫酸軟骨素(95% 純度) 100mg N 乙酰氨基葡萄糖(99% 純度 15mg 抗壞血酸(維生素 C) 12mg 硫酸鋅10毫克 建議使用方法: 每天吃2片,最好分早晚服用。從3個月大開始使用,直到15-24個月完全長大取決於狗狗品種。 價格: 60粒 $208 產地: 英國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) SYNOQUIN GROWTH TABLETS FOR DOGS 60'S Synoquin Growth Tablets are a feed supplement designed to support puppies through their rapid growth phase. In the first 18 months of life dogs increase their birthweight 60-70 times which puts extreme pressure on the bone and joint growth. This can put extreme pressure on joint development and problems such as osteochrondritis, Synoquin Growth may help prevent this. Synoquin Growth is a uniquely patented combination of Pharmaceutical grade Chrondrotin and Glucosamine in the following amounts: Glucosamine (99% pure) 125mg Chondrotin Sulphate (95% pure) 100mg N Acetyl Glucosamine (99% pure 15mg Ascobic acid (Vitamin C) 12mg Zinc sulphate 10mg Synoquin Growth Tablets Give 2 tablets a day preferably one twice daily with food. Use from 3 months of age until fully grown at 15-24 months depending on breed.
