Vetplus Lypex多酶素膠囊是針對貓狗胰臟炎及消化吸收不良症而設計,獨特的動物用胰酶補充劑,採用了人醫領域的技術,把高純度和高濃度的胰腺酶制作成微粒而不是粉末,更重要的是每個微粒外包有腸衣膜,這樣就可以100%保護消化酶,免受胃酸降解而遭破壞,保證了最大量的消化酶到達作用部位——小腸,從而幫助消化改善吸收,防止腹瀉。10分鐘內,膠囊內的微顆粒就可以通過胃進入小腸的堿性環境,這時,具有保護作用的腸衣被溶解並釋放出微粒內的胰酶,從而幫助消化,加強吸收。
· 10公斤以下:每次半粒
· 10公斤以上:每次一粒
Lypex Capsules 60's (Dogs & Cats)
Lypex Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules for Dogs and Cats are a veterinary pancreatic supplement for the management of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, irritable bowel syndrome, brush border enzyme deficiencies and bile salt dificiencies.
Many dogs and cats suffer from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and malabsorption syndromes resulting in weight loss, polyphagia and excessive faeces production.
In the case of pancreatic insufficiency long term enzyme supplementation and feeding of a highly digestible carbohydrate meal with low fat, high protein content is the only real management.
Most pancreatic preparations are available in a powder form and these enzymes are not protected from acid digestion.
Lypex is unique as the pancreatic enzymes are made into micro-pellets and each pallet is enteric-coated.
Lyprex gives 100% protection to the enzymes from the damaging stomach acids.
Within minutes of Lypex passing the stomach to alkaline environment of the small intestine the protective enteric coating dissolves and releases the protected enzymes to maximise digestion.
Each capsule contains (units of activity) protease 1200, Lipase 30000 and Amylase 18750.
Lypex administration: Dogs and Cats < 10 Kg 1 daily (half with each meal), Dogs >10 Kg 2 daily (one per meal).