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Vetri Science Vetri Disc 脊椎寶 狗用脊椎保健膠囊




已售出: 528


價格: ●180粒 $250 ✮多買多平: 每3樽每樽$240 最佳使用日期 Exp date : 27年2月 (上述為此批次之最佳使用日期,日期因應供應商批次而更改,可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 美國直送


VetriScience® Laboratories' Vetri Disc結合牛氣管軟骨與氨基酸,礦物硫酸鹽,維生素,胃蛋白酶和天然矽源 - 所有支持和維持筋腱組織的必須的成分。牛氣管軟骨是構成結締組織基質的硫酸軟骨素的豐富來源,並且以特別高的濃度存在於脊椎和無脊椎動物的椎間盤組織中。其它成分如牛磺酸和馬鞭草是合成結締組織所必需的,而礦物質如鈣和鎂支持骨生長和維持。鋅對於組織呼吸是必需的,並且在身體的癒合過程中也是重要的。氨基酸如絲氨酸將糖胺聚醣結構連接至結締組織蛋白,維生素C和D分別支持膠原生成和鈣吸收。 ● 有助於關節液增加,潤滑關節 ● 支持關節結締組織再生
● 能使脊椎和椎間盤健康的活動 ● 增加骨密度,大大改善骨質疏鬆 ● 對犬氣管塌陷有效,使氣管軟骨定型不再塌陷 
可以直接口服或打開膠囊與食物混合一同進食。 【服用量】 
體重 15 lbs 或以下:每日1粒 
體重 16ー35 lbs:每日2粒 
體重 36ー80 lbs:每日3粒 
體重 80 lbs 以上:每日4粒 * 如每日給予多粒膠囊,則在早晚分配


Vetri Disc combines bovine tracheal cartilage with amino acids, mineral sulfates, vitamins, pepsin, and horsetail rush (Equisetum arvense) to support back health and the spine’s connective tissues. Bovine tracheal cartilage is a rich source of chondroitin sulfates which comprise the connective tissue matrix and are found in an especially high concentration in the spinal and invertebrate disc tissues. Taurine and horsetail rush are necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue while minerals like calcium and magnesium support bone growth and maintenance. Zinc is necessary for tissue respiration and plays a key role in the body’s healing process. Amino acids such as serine link the glycosaminoglycan structure to connective tissue proteins, and vitamins C and D support collagen production and calcium absorption.
Directions for Use: Under 15 lbs: 1 capsule daily
16 - 35 lbs: 2 capsules daily
36 - 80 lbs: 3 capsules daily
Over 80 lbs: 4 capsules daily

If giving more than one capsule daily, divide between AM and PM.
