Vetri Science 寵物益生菌膠囊 Vetri Mega Probiotic 120粒

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Vetri Science 寵物益生菌膠囊 Vetri Mega Probiotic 120粒 價格: $280/罐 120粒 買2件$260/罐 產地: 美國 (可以向職員查詢最新使用日期) 簡介: 貓貓狗狗腸胃唔健康,經常肚痾、食慾不振或軟硬便等,真係好令家長煩惱,今次介紹多一款有名既益生菌,Vetri-Science 產品備受香港獸醫們的推薦,此產品由全天然的益生菌及益生元製成,每顆膠囊蘊含50億個微生物,全部來自非乳製品,每顆含有100億CFU/克的多種益生菌,減低腹脹胃氣脹,令貓貓狗狗的消化正常。除了支持消化道健康,益生菌還支持身體其他部位的微生物群的平衡,如皮膚和呼吸系統。益生菌還可以幫助預防氣體和腹脹,生產維生素B和重要的酶,並支持規律性。 建議使用方法: 狗狗40lbs或以下 每日1粒 41lbs或以上 每日2粒 貓貓 每日半粒 DESCRIPTION VetriScience Vetri-Mega Probiotic (120 Capsules) for Dogs & Cats by Vetri-Science Laboratories Contains 8 viable probiotic strains from non-dairy sources to support proper digestive tract health during times of G.I. upset. Also included is FOS, a soluble fiber and prebiotic to support the natural proliferation of intestinal probiotics. Feeding Directions for Dogs and Cats: Up to 40 lbs: 1 capsule daily Over 40lbs: 2 capsules daily Give products preferably after a meal. For Cats: Give 1/2 capsule daily mixed with food. INGREDIENTS rice flour, fructooligosaccharides, vegetable cellulose, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium bifidum fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus casei fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus brevis fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium longum fermentation product, dried Enterococcus thermophilus fermentation product, vegetable stearate.

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