Bayer Drontal Cat XL 德國拜耳大貓杜蟲藥片 (貓貓6kg以上)


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Bayer Drontal Cat XL 德國拜耳大貓杜蟲藥片 (貓貓6kg以上) 價格: 一盒兩粒裝$98 (平均$49/粒) 產地: 英國 Exp date: 05/25 (如此日期已過期, 可以向職員查詢最新日期) 簡介: Bayer Drontal Cat 德國拜耳貓用杜蟲藥片是專為驅除貓貓身上的寄生蟲而研製,乃驅蟲範圍最廣的服用性驅蟲藥。 Bayer Drontal Cat 杜蟲藥片含有的 2 種活性成分:Praziquantel 及 Pyrantel Embonate,是用來麻痹寄生蟲的神經,然後再破壞其新陳代謝導致死亡,最後經貓貓的排泄物自然排出體外。 經臨床實驗證明,Bayer Drontal Cat杜蟲藥片能有效消除貓貓體內多種寄生蟲達 95% 以上。 只需服用一次即可驅除體內蛔蟲、鉤蟲、鞭蟲、絛蟲等多種寄生蟲,貓貓每 3 個月驅蟲一次,效果極佳,而且安全性高,能杜絕寄生蟲的再次入侵! 建議使用方法: 6 Kg 每次1粒 直接餵食或混入貓貓食物中餵食 (不適用於6週齡以下的小貓及懷孕期間的貓貓) *上表為建議劑量,請依獸醫師指示使用* DRONTAL CAT XL WORMING TABLETS 2's Drontal wormer for cats works in a single dose and covers roundworm, tapeworm, hookworm and whipworm. Each Drontal XL Wormer for Cats covers 4-8kg bodyweight. Kittens should be treated at 6 weeks of age, then every 3 weeks until 4 months old and then every 3 months Only Drontal kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK dogs and cats. Drontal kills the hookworm which has been found in 68% of foxes in UK and 92% of foxes in Ireland. Routine control for adult cats is to treat every 3 months this will help keep your pet healthy and also vastly reduce the number of worm eggs shed into the environment. Drontal can be given with or without food Fleas can be infected with tapeworm larvae and pets can easily swallow fleas whilst grooming so apply a flea protection such as Frontline Spot On regularly. For single oral administration; the tablet should be given directly to your cat or if necessary can be placed in food or `easy tab` tablet pocket. Use Drontal cat tablets every 3 months (hunting cats may need more frequent worming) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT CATS AND DO NOT USE IN KITTENS UNDER 6 WEEKS OF AGE.

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